Thursday, July 13, 2006

What is Sin?

From The Prophecy's Diary: May 10, 2006

When answering the question, "what is sin?" we answer with a list of don'ts. But that is a list of sins, not the definition of sin. Even the definition of sin does not tell why is sin, sin - and not a desirale act. For the thinkers, the ponderers, the jokers who pop up with philosophical break in the mundane - here is what I think of Sin.

Sin is a transgression beyond the system of God. If and when that happens, the sinner falls out of the safety net of the system, which no longer helps the sinner.

There are two examples of sin that I have. One is illicit sexual relationships. The other is consuming haraam food.

Once when a person holds an illicit relationship, the system of God becomes unfavorable. Why? Because the system is integrated and based on certain principles. If those principles are violated, the system may not help the person. Within the system, there are rules and regulations, and also a way of redressal. For instance, if a person rapes a woman, he can be punished according to the law. If two people have an illicit relationship before marriage, they are lashed and their status is restored. If they commit adultery, they are "eliminated" from the system – on which they become a perpetual liability.

Consider the case of temptation, however. That just shies from the limit (hadd) but is beyond the permissible. If the couple falls out, which they very often do, there is often a blame game. Now, who takes the blame, when they aren't legally obliged to? It becomes a private affair for which the society has no rule – because according to the society, both have sinned in the first place.

If one of the former partners chooses to curse the other – why would the system of God listen, when both have not been in accordance with the system? And also, there is no way of making certain claims on the unfair partner – such as the claim for return of gifts, or for providing partnership, assistance, or support.

Consider also the case of haraam food. Haraam food is generally one which is a bio-hazard. Introducing the forbidden flavors and chemicals in the food chain is upsetting the system of the food chain. The food chain and the bio-sphere do not support this.

We have certain tolerances and immunities against a few diseases. Those diseases are ones that are a by-product of the second law of thermodynamics, by which all things must deteriorate and wear down. It is called "attrition" or "erosion."

As part of the cycle of living, we face certain "frictions" each moment. These are elements acting upon us. These are primarily in the forms of Sun, Air, Water, and Earth. As a result of coming in contact with these forces, we gain some energy, and lose some matter. That is the attrition of the system, and it is natural. Now if we somehow misbalance the rate of creation vs. destruction, we will either create monsters of uncontrolled size, or pygmies that will be unable to withstand the forces of nature.

Introducing hazardous chemicals in the food chain leads to blocks and decay in the system. Blocks occur when an indigestible material gets into the system. Decay occurs when healthy bodies are poisoned due to the disproportionate presence of unhealthy materials. (Note to self: look up the definition of poison.) In either case, we harm the food chain, and the larger eco-biological sphere of which the food chain is a part.

The ecology is unforgiving to us for this transgression. Our bodies are unable to dance in synchronization with the forces of nature, and fall out of tune. Either they become obese, or emaciate through disease, for which there may be no cure in nature.

Creating a cure for these un-systemic diseases creates an unnecessary strain on the resources of the world, which could be better used elsewhere – say, on providing healthy food? It is therefore a transgression on the system to introduce such substances into the food chain, or to artificially remove the "dust bins" of the food chain – i.e. the swine. Why would we want to consume an animal that is introduced in the food chain/ ecological system for the sole purpose of removing filth by consumption? Would we decorate our homes with dirt-cleaning rags instead of the decent rug? No? If not, then why would we replace our diets with potentially hazardous and unclean food instead of the clean and the healthy?

It is a transgression, an excess to go beyond the system, or to introduce destruction into the system. The system of life is chaotic and dynamic as it is, and gives plenty of room for adventure without our need for misbalancing and dishonoring it.

To violate the sanctity of the system is to hurt us and all the constituents and members of the system. To protect us from this massive harm, the violation of the system of God is made impermissible. The violation of the system of God is made a sin.

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